Thoughts & Questions

In The Beginning

From vacation videographer to wedding videographer. In our most recent Thoughts & Questions, we sat down to discuss how Captured in Frames came to be.

The age-old question, “Did it start with school?”

Nope. Not in the traditional sense, anyways. Like the birth of many great things —or everything, really— it started with a mother. Check out the full story below!

Normally, there would be a picture here, but you just watched an eighteen minute video of us. Seems a bit redundant at this point. Instead, we’ll leave you with a quote.

"My iPhone has 2 million times the storage of the 1969 Apollo 11 computer. They went to the moon. I throw birds at pig houses." - Bill Murray

Captured in Frames - St Louis Wedding Videography

Our Favorite Wedding Moments

We all have that one moment at a wedding that we can’t wait to see. For some, it’s when the couple sees each other for the first time. For others, it’s the first dance. Watch below to see what some of our favorite moments are!

How do we document these moments without having to re-stage them?


Captured in Frames - St Louis Wedding Videography