wedding film

The Mountains of Montana

If there's one thing we learned from traveling around Montana, it's that the locals are extremely pleasant and accommodating individuals, and Elaina and Brian fit right in! From zorbing in the lawn, to rock-paper-scissors at rehearsal, we knew we were in for a crazy fun filled adventure! With the mountains as their backdrop, Elaina and Brian's wedding day was truly the embodiment of a romantic fairytale 💕.

Readers, this is definitely a wedding video you won't want to miss!

Montana Wedding Video in the Bitterroot Valley near Hamilton, Montana Venue - Daly Mansion Planner - Events by Autumn Photographer - Stella Kelsi Photography Video -

Montana Wedding Video // Elaina + Brian from Captured in Frames on Vimeo.

Elaina and Brian, thanks for letting us tag along and tell your story!


captured in frames - St. Louis Wedding Videography

The Best Wedding Gift Ever

If you've watched enough of our wedding videos, you'll notice a wedding day gift and card trend. Often on the a wedding day, the bride and groom present each other with handwritten cards filled with anticipation and excitement for the moments to come. It's a sweet gesture that can calm the wedding day jitters, it makes an awesome keepsake, and it's a pretty special on-camera moment. Not all couples participate in this particular trend, but when Nick decided he wanted in, he went all out! What super special (ultra adorable 😍) surprise did Nick give Brittany on their wedding day?!

Hint: Check out the screenshot!


captured in frames - St. Louis Wedding Videography

Wherever You Are

Here in the Midwest, we take baseball seriously, so seriously that some couples like to play ball on their wedding day! Meet Vikky and Richie, the easy-going couple that not only got married on the ball field where they "first hit it off"... but also hosted a short game after the ceremony! How EPIC is that?!

🎶 "Let's root, root, root for the....Cubbies" ;) 🎶

captured in frames - St. Louis Wedding Videography